vendredi 10 décembre 2010

The dutch food

In the Netherlands the food is very different than ours. We're  going to explain to you their food habits of

First of all in the morning for breakfast they take bread with ham, cheese and butter, or butter with some pieces of stracciatella or small sweets with a cup of tea, but they also have cereals like us.

Then at 12 o'clock they eat in 20 minutes (unlike our lunch which is during 1 hour) in their school hall 2 or 3 sandwiches, which were prepared in the morning before going to school during the breakfast. In their sandwiches the  most of the time there are ham, butter , cheese , and sometimes they put chocolate, grappes, cheese, ham and jam in a one ... It's a few special ...

For the diner they eat between 17 and 18.30 pm they eat normal food for the diner but in their lasagnes there are spinachs.

They eat all day long crips, sweets and food not really diethetic but they aren't fat !

These are stroopwafels that's typicals cookies in Holland, it's delicious ! It's composate of 2 thin wafels and into there is fudge and cinnamon.

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