vendredi 19 novembre 2010

Visit during our school trip

We are going to speak about our visit during our school trip in Netherlands from the 10 th October to the 15 th October.
First we are going to speak about  Monday the 11th because we visited an art modern museum: The Kröller Müller. The museum is next to Otterlo and it's in a national park. It's a privacte museum. In the museum, there are a lot of painting from the impressionit period. The majority painter of the period was french (Monet, Manet...)But two of the most important painters was Picasso and Van Gogh. In the garden, there are a lot of sculptures. In the park, we can walk, we can see sculptures, we can eat, we can ride bikes...
Our impression: The wisit was very intersting because the guide was nice and in France we don't have a museum with something in and out in a garden.

Secondly we are going to speak about Tuesday the 12nd we discovery Amsterdam. It was  nice moment of the school trip. The morning we was in the Anne Franck's House. We traveled Amsterdam with our penpals and after we navigated on the canals of Amsterdam.
Our impression: It was great to saw that but we was so tired.

To conclude we will tell our visit in the museum of the war in Grosbik.We saw a movie who spoke about the liberation of Netherlands. One of village ( Nijmegen) was completly destroy. The old station destroyed by a bomb.
Our impression: it was nice experience, we was a little quite moved.

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